Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!  

Ring in the new year right with a family photo session... 

$50 off of a weekday photo session booked before January 5th!

Contact me at 816.305.1994 to schedule your appointment.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

She said yes...

I must say that I was impressed with John... he called and told me his girlfriend had been wanting pictures forever and he decided to surprise her with pictures of them together for Christmas.  Unfortunately, it was FREEZING cold and snowing, but I still think we got some great shots of this adorable couple and the snow adds to the pictures.   Merry Christmas to you both!

Maybe my most exciting shoot to date - John proposed in the middle of the photo shoot.  It was so sweet and I am so honored that I got to capture it for them!  I love the look of surprise on Caiti's face in this picture!

Congratulations to you both!  This will be a wonderful Christmas for you and I wish you the best! 

P.S. Call when you set a date

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chloe - 2 month

Miss Chloe turned two months this week so we captured a few pictures for Mommy & Daddy.  She is the cutest, sweetest little girl and the apple of her families eye.  You will be seeing a lot of her on the blog!

Monday, December 12, 2011

It's in our blood...

Anyone who knows me knows that I love, love, LOVE the sport of wrestling. My dad wrestled, my brother wrestled, my dad coached (and still coaches) high school wrestling and I was the manager throughout high school and helped my dad with the high school team when he was without an assistant.  I wanted to do it in high school but my parents wouldn't let me, but it is the only sport I truly understand a majority of the rules and ways.  Did I say I love it?  Well, it is Jack's 1st year and he had his first tournament last weekend where he won all three of his matches.  He (along with his entire team) did great and we were all so proud of all of them. 
The first match of many (hopefully)

My 2nd win of the day!

Making an escape...

My first pin :)

Showing off our new medals and shirts...

Our team minus Macon, Lane & Ty...
Anyhow, I will try not to make too many wrestling posts, but any blog readers who are interested in signing their little ones up for wrestling we take them from ages 4 - 14 and would love to have you join our team!  The kids are having a blast and learning a lot.  Let me know if you are interested ;)

Fulmer Family

This is my crazy family that I have adopted, or they have adopted me... or something like that. 
Our kids love their kids and I think they love our kids and I can kinda tolerate them so I guess we will remain friends... only kidding.  We really do love them!

Welcome to my crazy life....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Pestock Family

I am sure you all remember this gorgeous family!  I got these pics with the help of my two assistants (Jackson & Lane) and had a great time with this wonderful family.  I love the Pestock's to pieces and I think they may be my most photographed family! 

Daddy's Girl!

Where's Carter?

Ashlyn was done at this point, but we got mom & dad with Carter!