Monday, November 14, 2011

Prestidge Family

We finally wrapped up the Prestidge Family Session in the wonderful November weather.... we met in Farley for some pics while the kids had practice with F & G at church and I think we got some great ones!  Enjoy Ricky & Christine... thanks for allowing me to take pics of your beautiful family!

Chloe - 1 month

You will see a lot more of this beauty in the future!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Burrell Family

So I know I don't get the award for most original photos on these pics, but Carly liked Chelle's pics so much that she wanted to hit the same spots.  I think we got some great pics of this awesome family.  Chris is our new paster at WCCN and he is great... if you are looking for a church we would love to have you!  ;)  Chris and Carly have two beautiful girls who did a great job, especially when they were ready for lunch!  Thanks C, C, K & L for allowing me to take your pics....


Oh my, I can't believe how little Wyatt has grown... it had been way too long since we had gotten together and seen this handsome little man.  We met out at Red Barn Farm for a few pictures of the family and then headed back to the house for pizza and playing.  I must say that Wyatt is an amazingly well behaved child... he took several spills and got right back up and kept going, he played so well with the kiddos and by himself.  Thanks again for spending the afternoon with us!

Wyatt wasn't to sure about the goats...

These next few pics were all Sara's idea and I LOVE them!  Great idea Sara!

Such a happy little boy playing with Mom & Dad!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Heather brought baby Carter over for a few newborn pictures last week and I must say he wasn't a fan of being cold or being in my house that day.  I still think we got some great photos of the little guy and his adorable big sister, who you have seen before on the blog for her two year pics.  Anyhow, thanks Heather and Duncan for continuing to allow me to capture your adorable family!  You are so blessed!