Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Audrey Rose

Isn't this newest addition of our family adorable?  Congrats to Leslie & Justin on this beautiful little girl.  It seems like not to long ago her mom and I were little girls watching Tom & Jerry and snapping green beans at G.G.'s (I loved this because it got me out of the fields AND I got to hang out with three awesome women, Leslie, Aunt Karen and G.G.  What could be better?)  Maybe in a few years out kids will be snapping beans together for us?!  Leslie and Justin are already awesome parents and have things down to an art... they adore little Miss Audrey Rose, but who wouldn't? 

I think she resembles her cousins T & N here...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

She said YES!

What a fun day!  Ryan called this week to tell me about his new purchase and wanted me to set up a session with Myranda... she said "Let's do it Saturday, I want to get one good picture of Addy and one good one of the family"... well I hope you find your one amongst these Myranda (and I am so happy you got the added bonuse of a ring!)  Congrats to both of you... I wish you a wonderful life together!  I know you guys will be amazingly blessed!

This was the big surprise!

and the AWESOME sign my sister made for the occasion...

my fave...

i love Addy's face here :)

The Darling Davies :)

After a very long day at the soccer fields, tball practice and too much sun we decided to grab a few pics of one of my favorite families.  As you can see if the picture below Miss Chloe was exhausted for a few of our pics, but I think we got some great ones.